Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Grassy Waters Preserve

The nature in Florida still seems exotic to me having lived here for over 6 years after coming from up North. I am getting more used to seeing alligators and much less afraid of them than I used to be, but they are still interesting to see in their natural environment.

Uday and I went to Grassy Waters Nature Preserve after we discovered it around the same time by a friend and one day while I was driving by it for work. We decided to go there last weekend and had a lot of fun taking pictures of nature. The big alligator in our pictures has a hump on his back and they named him "Humpy".

This little alligator was hanging out between the edge of the water and parking lot just minding her own business basking in the sun. Her face reminds me a little bit of my dog Boo with her slight permanent smile.

Here is another picture of Humpy heading towards us!

Uday can hardly believe his eyes when he sees Humpy swimming all the way over to us! I'm excited and am taking it personal that he must like us!!

Maybe he thinks we are going to feed him. We are tempted but we know it is not good for an alligator to get used to humans or they will have to be killed, and so we don't take any chances!

We know Humpy can find a meal in this diverse Preserve.

Grassy Water's Preserve is a perfect name for this park!

Uday takes a picture of this Lotus in the water and I love the reflection of it in the water..

We have fun watching the fish through the clear water.

Might be the next meal of Humpy!!

I try and capture these dragonflies, but they are fast and I am still learning the art of photography.

I take this picture and am not sure if it is a weird bug or if it is just a shell of a bug...

We take rest at one of the many lookout spots at the park. I love Tiki Huts!

I take more pictures of nature...

and practice perfecting more dragonfly pictures at a different location in the park.

Uday takes this cool looking bug! We are still trying to figure out what this one is called?

Uday and I take many pictures and video of this grasshopper and admire its exotic color and beauty.

Awwhhh... A face only a mother could love!

A green dragonfly that looks a lot like the leaf next to it, captured in a quick snap!

Another quick shot of this butterfly that only stood still for a split second. I noticed this same looking butterfly on the free poster we got at this Preserve in their learning center.

My close up picture of the Lotus flower at the Preserve.

We also met a nice guy there who does photography for a hobby and his website is called piginaswamp.com. You may click on the website name for a link of his nature pictures.

Here is short video of the alligators and grasshopper, enjoy!

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